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The Purpose of this Video is to give you a first impression on what we can achieve together and what my mission is.


What is DIVINEnergy Healing

DIVINEnergy is a spiritual healing method. The energy level of the client increases enormously and in the shortest possible time with the help of impulses. This healing process is effective with or without touching the client and it activates the self-healing powers so that the body can begin to find its optimum balance as this is its ultimate goal.

Spiritual Healing transcends the physical level and works on a higher level that is not perceptive to our mind. My intention is to promote healing and Well-Being without creating adverse side effects. I address the source of the symptom/disease on a spiritual-emotional level rather than the symptom itself.

How does DIVINEnergy work

Everything in the Universe is vibration and energy flowing everywhere. If the natural flow of energy is obstructed, this blockage transmits to the vibration as well. Respectively, the vibrations will operate at a lower frequency which can then lead to disease. If the flow of a creek is disrupted by a fallen tree, it results in a potential blockage that diverts the natural flow of the water. If not cleared, the blockage continues to build up. When the water level rises due to rain or melting of snow, the tree and debris that have accumulated will be swept away by the flood. This results in a free unhindered flow.
Due to the enormous vibrational flow that the energy transfer of the DIVINEnergy healing stimulates in the body, life vitality can flow freely and unhindered. This natural and rhythmic flow is what activates the self-healing powers of the body.

DIVINEnergy if free of any physical or mental influence as it radiates in the cosmic human body. By increasing the overall energy levels, the consciousness of the receiver rises, leading to positive and constructive thinking.

What the treatment looks

From time immemorial there were clairvoyants who helped people heal by laying hands on them. From a holistic perspective and by integrating timeless spiritual principles, this form of energetic healing has undergone a modern day revolution for our times and needs.
Looking at someone in need of healing in the eyes, communicating and connecting with them, caring for and touching them from the heart awakens a tremendous power – the power of love which is the highest form of healing. It exceeds any external, physical touch. It is a deep, profound, mind-spirit contact from one soul to another, abundant with universal love and goodness.

The client doesn’t need to remove his or her clothes or bring any special garments for the healing session. To raise the comfort and promote relaxation there will be a couch for the client to lie on. The body parts experiencing pain or discomfort will be treated by direct touch. If direct touch is not possible due to wounds or other physical conditions of any sort, the procedure is performed in close proximity to the body without actual contact. As a general guide, a remedial healing session lasts for approximately one hour.

There are no diagnoses or promises of healing made. Due to the German “Heilmittelwerbegesetz”, I am not allowed to publish any claims regarding the healing experience to be explored.


We´re not only responsible for the things we do, but als for the things we don´t do.


Your Transformation to a self-determined Life!

spiritualhealing gelb

Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing – healing with the power of mind solely with the help of pure intention.

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Spine Realignment

DIVINE Realignment of the Spine through activating the Self-healing Power.

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You will learn Energytransformation, Emotional Unwinding Coaching, Spine Realignment and more.

Work with me

I am Sunita,


  • Healer
  • Spiritual Life Coach &
  • Yoga – and Meditation Instructor

I will guide you on your path to a self-determined Life full of Energy and positive Mindset

Nothing itself is good or bad, only thinking makes it that way.

– Shakespeare –

Freed from Scoliosis

"After suffering from scoliosis for 20 years and trying many things to relieve it I could not believe the instant result Sunita treatment has given me. I am now pain free with a subtle and flexible spine and enjoying the new freedom in my body and spirit. As a bonus my deeply traumatised knee joint ( surgery 30 years ago) could readjust itself and can now bravely step into the world. "



If you forgive, you heal. If you let go, you grow.

– André Loibl –

Get in touch for a first meeting!
